Apply the New Rules of B2B Social Media and Form Authentic Connections
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Ashley Faus

For years, brands treated social media as a one-way broadcast channel. Today, many marketers insist that companies need to officially shift to a two-way conversation mindset. But the conversation mindset still means that brands think they're the destination and the host. That they get to drive this conversation, and there's still an underlying assumption that at some point, the audience will become the customers. In this session, we’ll explore the new rules of social media, as a place for humans to foster genuine relationships, built on a foundation of trust, with moments of delight.

Actionable tactics you can apply after this session:

  • Use the social media spectrum to build trust and long-term value exchange
  • Apply frameworks to build employee brands and narratives to connect with real people in the feed
  • Proven social engagement best practices that meets marketing goals, used by B2B companies
Location Name
Room 3
Session Type
30-minute Breakout
Session Topic
Social Media